Rockstar Excel is dedicated to making Excel easy – whether you’re a busy entrepreneur trying save five hours a week, or an employee who wants to be a rockstar.
Would you like to get three times as much work done in 1/3 the time?
Do you want to be the one everyone at your company turns to for help, from the receptionist to the CEO?
Imagine being indispensable, ensuring that you have rapid career growth and never get laid off?
How about saving huge amounts of money by doing work yourself in a few minutes that otherwise would have required a full-time employee, or perhaps an entire team, to do?
We can help you do that.
Mission Statement
Rockstar Excel’s mission is to use the power of Excel to make our customers more productive, save them time and money, and make their lives easier.
Business Ethics
Rockstar Excel stands by the following ethical code:
- We treat all people fairly and respectfully. We do not discriminate based on race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, religion, creed, location, education level, or political orientation.
- We strive to ensure all customers are happy to have done business with us. Beyond this, we strive to ensure that everyone we interact with is happy with the interaction. This includes customers, vendors, employees, recipients of free consultations, those who watch or read our content, and people we interact with on social media.
- We are honest with customers, offering fair prices commensurate with the value of our work.
- Our internal standards of quality will always be higher than our customers’ standards for our work.
- We stand behind our work. If a customer is ever dissatisfied, we will make it right.
- We honor our commitments. We deliver our work on time (or early) at the agreed-upon price.
- We succeed when our customers succeed. If we help save you time and money, make you more productive, or make your life easier, we take pride in making your life, your employer, and the world as a whole a bit better.
- Business is not a competition. One person’s wealth does not mean another’s poverty. Rather, wealth is continually created. The more people succeed, the better. If other businesses that provide the same services as us do well, we are happy for them, their customers, and the world.
Philosophy of Rockstar Excel
There are nearly 500 functions in Excel, with more being added all the time.
But you’ll never use most of them.
Excel can be extremely complicated. But what you need to know to unlock most of its power is much simpler.
Our classes focus on making Excel easy. Teaching you the powerful yet simple tools to turn you into a rockstar very quickly, while laying a foundation that allows you to learn any more complicated functions you may need.
If you don’t want to take the time to learn, or require something more complex, we also offer done-for-you solutions, building custom spreadsheets to meet your need. As well as one-on-one consulting to help you with any specific Excel issues facing your business.
Our classes make learning Excel easy. But being an Excel rockstar goes beyond knowing how to use the various features of Excel. You need to understand why and when to use them, which is a particular point of emphasis we teach.
Ultimately, to an Excel rockstar, building a spreadsheet is a creative act. It’s solving a puzzle. If you’re in the right mindset, you’ll find it immensely satisfying to create something that accomplishes your goals.
Who is Rockstar Excel
Rockstar Excel was founded by Steve Friedman and Robin Friedman.
Steve Friedman spent 20 years in Accounting for tech startups, rising to the level of Chief Financial Officer. He did this despite not having a CPA or MBA, having only taken one Accounting class in college, and taking two years off for a useless film degree. His mastery of Excel was a big part of how he was able to have such rapid career advancement.
Years ago, he spent two hours teaching his wife Robin advanced Excel. With that knowledge, she was able to get a job as an Excel data analyst. She handles employee databases for major corporations with hundreds of thousands of people, with clients including WalMart, Chipotle, and Verizon. She is the Excel rockstar at her company, in charge of fixing broken spreadsheets, helping coworkers with their Excel difficulties, and regularly giving company seminars on Excel tools.
Contact us at rockstarexcel@gmail.com, on Twitter @rockstarexcel, or on Facebook.