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How to fix broken dates in Excel

Are your date formulas giving you a #VALUE error?

Often in Excel, date formulas will give you a #VALUE error. Here is how to fix broken dates in Excel.

This is especially common when you’re importing data.

The reason this happens is that Excel is adding something extra to the cell. Often this is a space before or after the date. This may not be noticeable to a human looking at the spreadsheet, but it makes Excel think that the cell contains text instead of a date, so your formulas won’t work.

Fix broken dates in Excel

Fortunately, it’s extremely easy to fix this, and it will only take a few seconds.

Excel’s Text-To-Columns feature can fix the broken dates in just a few seconds, with no formulas or extra columns necessary.

Here I’ll show you how to make Excel realize that your dates are dates.

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